Books & Resources
Jenni is an published author, speaker, coach and licensed therapist. She offers her writings so that others may connect and engage on the heartfelt emotions we experience through life, relationships, and especially - divorce, high conflict relationships, and marriage.

Touching the Trees
With wit and sensitivity, Jennifer McBride has captured the gamut of emotions that accompany a rebirth of identity. From a traumatic, life-altering decision as a young woman through a long-term marriage that ultimately ended in divorce, she seeks out the truth of her life -- who she was then and who she wants to be now.
Praised for her ability to take an ordinary situation and learn indelible life lessons, Jennifer McBride touches people who are in transition -- from married to single, from single to committed, from mired to free, and from fearful to joyous.
Each chapter is beautifully crafted to allow the reader to pull what he or she needs from the experience. Taken as a whole, though, the book offers a story that is unerringly honest and powerful. It resonates with hope.
Available on Kindle and in paperback.
"Jennifer McBride's writing is insightful, thought-provoking and comforting all at the same time. 'Plastic Bags' seems to be written especially for me and about my relationship. Thank you for giving a voice to the thoughts in my head." -- Shannon Stewart Heer, House Springs, Missouri

Fence Pumpkins
From the author of Basement Daisies comes another work affirming our human experience.
Using images from a working garden, Jennifer McBride captures thoughts that resonate with the truth of who we are and who we can be.

Cape of Leaves
Cape of Leaves is a compilation of poems that touch people in many types of life transition.
Poems about relationships, spirituality, rebirth, young love, therapy, and even a friend‟s battle with cancer bring together vivid images of a search for the truth of our human experiences.
Inspired by the accessibility of Billy Collins' poetry, Cape of Leaves reaches readers who might not otherwise read verse.
“There is something so true about 'The Pink Bow.' My heart soars whenever I think about the strength it takes to listen to one's own heart. I'm always searching for that same courage.” – Carol N., Minneapolis, MN.

Outsmart Your High-Stress Divorce
Divorce is already stressful. Add in conflict with your ex and the stress can become unbearable. Learn some PRACTICAL AND IMMEDIATELY USABLE tips for taking control of the process and reclaiming your power.
This book explores:
Our vulnerabilities to conflict from exes
Strategies for defending those vulnerabilities
Tips for working with therapists, attorneys, financial professionals, and "neutrals"
Proven ways to reduce your ex's emotional power over you
Concrete actions you can take to control the communications with your ex
Approaches to parenting during and after the divorce
Your hope for the future
This book can be used by support groups.
Available on Kindle and in paperback.
"Jenni provides many personal and professional stories and you'll feel like she's talking just to you."
"When I was going through my own high stress divorce, I yearned for someone to give me a handbook for how to handle it all. My hope is that this book will be that resource for others."

Basement Daisies
Basement Daisies is a collection of affirmations and beautiful photography, designed to bring hope and joy to anyone who is suffering, particularly cancer patients and their families.
Originally created to benefit a cancer research foundation, Basement Daisies can now be enjoyed by everyone.

Child Less Parent
A must-have for parents in high conflict divorce.
Child Less Parent: "Snapshots" of Parental Alienation provides vital information, education, and support to divorced/divorcing parents and their extended families.
Parental Alienation causes children to reject one parent after a divorce or separation and is often considered a form of child abuse because of the negative psychological impact it has on kids. Many "targeted" parents don't seek help because they are fearful of losing their children permanently or are ashamed of their situations.
Child Less Parent: "Snapshots" of Parental Alienation breaks down the barriers preventing parents from seeking help by providing clear and easily understood information.
Accompanied by vivid photographs, Child Less Parent affirms the value of the targeted parent and offers hope to struggling families.

Serotiny is the third book of affirmations and photos by Jennifer McBride.
From the Author's Note: "Serotiny (ser-rah’-ta-knee) is the retention of seeds until a disaster clears the way for germination and growth. Pine cones are the most well-known serotinous seed-holder-on-ers.
"Like pine cones, some of us need a disaster, trauma, disappointment, or stressor in order to discover our growth potential.
This book is designed to provide seeds of self-direction and affirmation, especially to those who have been through the toughest of times and yet still have hope about the future. My humble suggestion is to sit with each page for a while.
Let the photos and words sink in through the busyness and noise and get to a place where they resonate with you."
Based on photographs from Grand Marais, Minnesota and Maui, Hawaii, the affirmations seeks to heighten understanding of our stressors and our hopes for the future.
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